Member Profile

City of London

The City of London is a large team of over three thousand dedicated employees doing a wide variety of work, delivering well over one hundred major services; all which have a direct impact on Londoners, businesses and employees. Our mission is being a responsive and modern public service partner that fosters change to build a better London for all.

Retrofits to improve energy efficiency in municipal buildings and municipal equipment and services has been ongoing since the early 1990s. Street lights and traffic signals have been converted to high efficiency LED lights. New buildings are being designed to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification standards.  Green Fleet initiatives, including using alternative fuels, purchasing hybrid vehicles and using smaller cars and trucks are underway.

The City of London has set a bronze GHG emissions reduction target (20% minimum reduction) by 2030. Since 2007, the City of London has reduced absolute emissions from 44,500 tonnes (0.125tonnes/person) to 18,700 tonnes (0.047 tonnes/person) in 2018. That is a 58% reduction! They have further committed to reducing 25% of 2018’s absolute emissions, to lower the absolute GHG emissions to 14,100 tonnes (0.033 tonnes/person) by 2028.

City of London

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