
Business Case: Organic Waste-to-Energy

This opportunity funds business cases that assess viable waste-to-energy systems and business models for a given site and/or feedstock. This funding helps Canadian cities and communities determine whether it is viable to produce and utilize energy from landfill gas or waste organic material, and generate additional valuable products such as digestate and fertilizers, ultimately resulting in a net GHG emission reduction.
Your business case can explore a system that generates energy from landfill gas, anaerobic digestion or aerobic composting with heat recovery for local organic waste, including food waste, yard waste, biosolids, or the organic fraction of construction/demolition waste, packaging, agricultural or forestry waste. Grant for up to 50%* of eligible costs
Up to a maximum of $100,000

Type of Project
Focus Area
Waste Management
Geographic Reach
Governing Body
Federation of Canadian Municipalities