Green Economy London Member 20 Minute Makeover Challenge
Wednesday, Jun 16, 2021

It’s time for London’s Clean & Green 2021! 

For over 25 years, London Clean & Green has been leading successful community clean-ups. With Step 1 of the Province’s Roadmap to Reopen plan, households, businesses, and small groups of 10 or fewer are invited to take a little time out of their day to clean up their community.

  • June 19 & 20, June 26 & 27 – Community-wide clean-up days

Grab a bag and gloves and head out in your neighbourhood to pick up litter and help spruce up our city

  • June 25 – 20-Minute Makeover 

Tidy up outside your workplace for just 20 minutes. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish!

Green Economy London Members – 20 Minute Makeover Challenge

We have a special challenge this year for our members. Green Economy London will be donating $20 to Salthaven for each member that participates (Green Economy London has 44 members – so that’s a possibility of $880 donated to Salthaven!). Having your team participate in a 20 Minute Makeover Challenge will also be counted as completing an Environmental Stewardship project, and therefore will count towards reaching your target in this area! This is a great activity to get your staff engaged in sustainability and environmental action!

Staff can complete solo or in COVID safe and distanced teams – but be sure to document the event to be recognized for your efforts!

How to participate:

  1. Do a cleanup in June (either as a team following health unit COVID safety guidelines, or individual team members)
  2. Take a photo of individuals or distanced team members cleaning
  3. Share on social media and tag Green Economy London and Clean & Green and use the hashtag #gelcleanup and #20MinMakeover

Before you head out on any clean-up, make sure you’re following all local health guidelines from the Middlesex-London Health Unit and the Province’s Roadmap to Reopen plan.



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