Funding Opportunity

Business Scale-Up and Productivity (BSP)- Regional Economic Growth through Innovation Program (REGI)
Funding Deadline: Ongoing

The Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) Stream aims to accelerate the growth of firms and assist with the adoption and adaptation of new, innovative technologies that support scale-up, productivity, development of and entry into new markets to help companies become competitive in both domestic and global markets. Funding is up to 50% of the eligible and supported project costs to a maximum of $500,000 per project. On an exceptional basis, FedNor may consider funding investments above that amount.

Who is Eligible?

For-profit organizations including an individual operating a business, partnerships, social enterprises, incorporated companies, corporations or co-operatives, or an Indigenous organization such as Indigenous/First Nation/Métis Settlement owned businesses, and all other types of enterprises.
Not-for-profit organizations: that provide services to businesses to support different stages of development to accelerate growth, enhance and assist scale-up (productivity enhancement, technology adoption, demonstration, etc.) or market expansion (e.g., sector based business-groups or associations, regional export promotion organizations, etc.).
All eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.
Project benefits must accrue to Northern Ontario.
Priority will be given to for-profit organizations

Funding Type
Business Grant, Business Loans
Funder Type
Focus Area
Business Scale-Up Project Funding