Air Source Heat Pumps: Best Practices for Small Commercial Applications
Save On Energy
March 25th, 2025

Are you an HVAC contractor serving the commercial market in Ontario? With the increased publicity and incentives for heat pumps available, many building owners are curious about whether heat pumps are right for their facilities. Recent advancements in cold climate technology make air-source heat pumps a good solution for many building types in Ontario. Join the Save on Energy team and senior trainer Peter Rowles for a workshop on heat pump technology that can help you to expand your business and meet the growing demand.

Whether you already offer heat pump products and services or are eager to break into the market, this workshop will boost your understanding of the benefits of heat pump systems for providing building heating and cooling, and of the challenges that can come with retrofitting existing systems. Attending this training will give you or your staff greater familiarity and increased confidence selling, installing, and educating building owners and operators about air-source heat pumps.

This free workshop includes a mixture of technical information, knowledge-checks, and group work.

Complimentary breakfast and lunch are included.

When: RESCHEDULED TO MARCH 25TH, 2025 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Doors open at 8:00 a.m.

Where: Mississauga, ON

Who should attend:
 Commercial HVAC Contractors, sales representatives, designers, installers and project planners.

In this workshop, participants will: 

► Hear perspectives from other HVAC contractors and share some of your own experiences.

► Learn how ASHP technology has evolved to provide heating and cooling efficiently to different building types in cold climates like Ontario’s.

► Compare the various options for heat pump installations, including rooftop units, air-to-water, mini-split and hybrid systems.

► Gain hands-on practice designing solutions for case studies and practice pitching sales to customers.


Please email if you’d like to register or to find out more.
