We are pleased to present the winners of the 2nd annual Green Leader Awards!
The Green Leader Awards, which are held annually, recognize business and community leaders in London who are prioritizing the environment in their operations and business practices. These businesses are proving that reducing their carbon footprint and practicing environmental stewardship can improve their bottom line, mitigate business risks, help develop a credible brand, and improve the ability to attract and retain consumers, shareholders, and top tier employees.
Green Innovation Award
Recognizes a business that embraces innovation to prioritize sustainability initiatives in order to improve and meet their sustainability goals and targets.
This year we had two winners for this award.
The Ice Box was recognized for their innovative solar powered mobile ice food truck – where their delicious locally made ice cream is kept cold through solar powered refrigeration. They also started a reusable mason jar program to reduce their amount of single use disposable container waste.
The Western Fair District was recognized for their vermicomposting Wormery Project. This program kept over 30 tonnes of organic waste from landfill in 2020 by using over 1 million worms to compost it into a natural fertilizer.
Rookie of the Year Award
Given to the most active and accomplished new member from the past year.
This year Tepperman’s is our Rookie of the Year. They spent their first year in our network implementing projects at their facilities including: Extensive HVAC energy retrofitting projects and building automation systems updates, LED retrofitting, Participating in all GEL events and employee engagement activities, Completing inventory and reporting on GHG emissions, Employee engagement and internal sustainability work and newsletters. They have completed numerous Environmental Stewardship projects including their pollinator garden projects in London, Windsor, and Ancaster. They also have improved their waste diversion program and expanded projects to further increase diversion rates.
Emissions Reduction Project of the Year Award
This award recognizes a business that has implemented a project over the past year that has/will have a significant impact on reducing their GHG emissions.
Heeman’s has accepted this award for their impressive renewable energy generation project, which includes 264 solar panels that will produce up to 128,000 kWh of electricity per year and generate enough energy to supply close to 60% of their yearly operational energy needs.
“For decades we’d be focused on reducing our energy consumption but with this solar project we had the opportunity to focus on the other side of the equation and create our own green energy. We’re excited to turn the same energy from the sun that gives life to our berries and plants into energy that will help power our business for decades to come.”
– Will Heeman, Chief Daymaker, Heeman’s.
Environmental Stewards of the Year Award
This award recognizes a member’s involvement, participation, and leadership in projects and actions that positively impact the community and ecosystems of London and surrounding area.
This year Convertus Group was recognized for their active participation and support for community focused environmental projects, such as their community garden, neighborhood clean-ups to raise awareness for Restore our Earth, Tree depot/giveaway event, sponsored the Mohawk Seedkeepers School Project, and their Greenhouse Academy’s GreenKit Program for Youth. Convertus has set an ambitious platinum level target for Environmental Stewardship through the Green Economy London program, their goal is to implement 10+ stewardship projects in the next 3 years. They have completed many of these projects over the past year, and are very close to achieving this target!
Green Project Implementation Award
This award is given to a member for implementing projects at their facilities or with their employees that are inspirational, educational, and effective and relate to reducing the environmental impacts of the organization.
Reimagine Co Zero Waste Grocery Store, is being recognized for opening London’s first package-free grocery store, and promoting and providing education on how individuals can adopt a zero waste lifestyle. They implemented a reusable takeout container program at the store, installed a free public EV Charger, an electric Water heater, and renovated their building using repurposed materials where possible. Recently they have also completed an LED lighting retrofit.
Three community awards were also presented this year in partnership with the London Environmental Network. These awards celebrate our community members who are working tirelessly to see London, Ontario become one of the greenest and most resilient cities in Canada.
Community Impact Award
This award goes to an organization or community group that implemented a project that benefited the environment and community within the past year. This includes projects supported through the LEN Environmental Action Incubator program.
This year Urban Roots London, was recognized for their Community Composting Project that successfully diverted 3,205 pounds of organic waste from local landfills.
Youth Leader Award
The Youth Leader Award recognizes an individual (25 & under) that demonstrates environmental leadership and a commitment to sustainability in their personal lives.
Congratulations to Indra Bishnoi, PhD student at Western University. She is being recognized for her numerous accomplishments including getting the first UWO climate emergency declaration passed as chair of the graduate sustainability committee, and for her intersectionality work on creating an eco-friendly fashion brand focused on educating the South Asian community on environmental stewardship.
Sustainability Champion
The Sustainability Champion Award goes to an individual who shows their commitment to sustainability and takes action to create positive environmental change in the community.
This year, Brendon Samuels, PhD student at Western University, is being recognized for his extensive environmental work in the community including helping London become a Bird-Friendly city, and educating students about biodiversity and climate change mitigation.
Congratulations to all of this year’s winners and thank you for joining our in person celebration on October 28th 2021 at RBC Place!

Check out this feature in Business London Magazine to read more about the Green Leader Awards